Asset Reliability – Risk and Reliability Management

Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) is an asset functional risk mitigation discipline/methodology which: had its beginnings in the airline industry and is now being deployed in all physical asset sectors (including manufacturing, power generation, and distribution, mining, etc). 

  • The design of an RCM program is based on comparing the current asset operational risks and maintenance tactics against the consequences of asset failure, including safety, environmental, or business operational risk impacts (i.e. revenue or profit loss) and confirming that selected mitigation actions are technically feasible and viable for a specific asset’s operation context.  
  • The asset operating context, how their components fail, risk of failure, and mitigating the risk are part of the role in this methodology

Typical RCM Program Benefits

  • Detailed knowledge of asset value in the operating context
  • Empowered employees
  • Improved Maintenance Effectiveness 
  • Increased Productivity
  • Reduced Costs

Increased Maintenance Effectiveness:

  • Enhance compliance activities
  • Reduce business interruptions
  • Increase asset utilization
  • Increase uptime

Improved Productivity:

  • Optimize your assets
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Improve sustainable reliability
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Improve the ‘asset value’ proposition

Reduced Costs:

  • Manage lifecycle costs
  • Optimize maintenance and inspection intervals
  • Prevent unwanted events
  • Make data-driven decisions
  • Empower the Reliability Teams to drive ‘asset value’

Four Principles That Guide an Effective RCM Program

  1. Preserving system functions is the primary objective.
  2. Identifying failure modes that can impact system failures
  3. Prioritizing Failure Modes
  4. Finding solutions to manage the likelihood of occurrence or the consequences of the failure modes (or both through evaluating the inherent risk associated with owning and operating assets)

Asset Acumen Consulting Inc. is an authorized member of the ‘Aladon Network’ and delivers and supports the Risk and Reliability Mentoring and Training methods from this organization.  

For more information on our RCM training programs for the Introductory and Facilitator Training: see our section on Training

For more information on the methods and disciplines coming from the ‘Aladon Network’