Asset Acumen Consulting Inc. has a proven method for:

  • Asset Management Assessment, initiative prioritization and 
  • Asset Management Strategy Development Facilitation Services.  
Assess Process

Asset Acumen Consulting Inc. has a proven method for:

  • Providing your organization with an understanding of where you are in your corporate maturity of maintenance continuum; 
  • Presenting a calibrated standard of “Leading Practices in Asset Management”;
  • Facilitating through workshops, an understanding of your desired future state; 
  • Facilitating through workshops, the development of prioritized initiative (tasks) and plans for an improvement roadmap for their plant maintenance.   
  • Assisting you in the development or update of your Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) content.
  • Optionally assisting you in baselining your current operation’s Asset Management strategy against a 3rd party standard such as PAS55 or ISO550X.

Asset Acumen Consulting Inc. helps their clients identify their current level of Asset Management maturity, prioritizing opportunities / initiatives and developing a roadmap for change that can be executed by their cross-functional teams (Maintenance and Operations working together).

Asset Management Strategy Support – Asset Life-cycle Management

  • Organizations justify their assets by the value they expect to create as aligned by their corporate and business strategy.
  • An asset management life-cycle includes managing the asset from a business strategy, (where the assets’ function –value- is accounted for) through the “asset design stages”, into the “constructing and commissioning stages” in preparation for the “operate stage” and supportive maintenance and modifications that may be expected throughout the asset’s operation through to asset disposition.

Asset Acumen Consulting Inc. helps organizations to get this Asset Life-cycle role model defined or reset for their organization. Significant savings can be gained by getting your organization aligned to get your optimal return from your assets.  Your asset support should be also aligned to the strategic reason you have the asset and how each asset contributes to your strategic business model. 

Asset Management Strategy Support – Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) 

  • Is a highly powerful working philosophy and part of an organization’s culture for managing maintenance, operations, and engineering in a plant environment.  
  • Harnesses the power of the entire workforce to increase the productivity of the company’s physical assets, optimizing “man versus machine” interaction.  It is an internal continuous improvement process, facilitated, to meet increasingly difficult market demands, to provide mass customization for individual customers.  
  • Is successful with a highly flexible value production process and workforce.

Asset Acumen Consulting Inc. helps organizations to get their culture aligned across multiple business functions and can support the many elements of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) with Training, Consulting, and Mentoring. Support is available for TPM Phases and each listed element (Autonomous Maintenance, Equipment Improvement, Process Improvement, Education and Training, Quality Management, Health, Safety, and Environment support and TPM Program Management.  Significant savings can be gained by getting the organization aligned to get your optimal return from your assets.  Their asset support should be also aligned to their strategic reason for having the asset and supporting their strategic business model.